The True Chapters of Life

Go Deep

“Far beneath the many thick layers of indoctrination about who we are and who we should be lies an “original self,” the person who came into this world full of possibility and destined for joyful unveiling.”              Thomas Moore
The human condition is complicated.  And living on this earth is hard.  We’re shaped by both pain and pleasure.  So, is it possible then to still cultivate meaningful lives of deep satisfaction, joy, and love?  
The answer is maybe.  If we can recover our souls?
The great ailment of our time is a loss of soul.  For many, it’s a low level ache that hums inside ourselves.  An ache on a constant loop that says we need to be “more, better and different.” 
More acutely, this loss of soul shows up as depression, addiction even violence.  This loss of meaning instigates fractured relationships, poor health, pressure & stress, controlling behaviors, hyper masculinity, isolation, decreased energy and low levels of sadness, anger, shame, and guilt.    
Recovering ones soul is a counter intuitive journey.  We must enter through what I call our ‘proverbial inner backdoor.’  To find the treasures of our soul, we must skirt around our dragons; namely, our expectations and desires of the ego.
This backdoor is our imagination!   
I’ve been writing poems in secret for many years.  I’m not sure they’re good.  I’m not even sure they’re poems.  But, it seems they have emerged from a place deep inside, that wasn’t my ego.  
Hopefully somehow, these writings will unlock your imagination.  They’ll open up the  many pathways to your soul such as pain, creativity, grief, relationships, joy, nature and yes, sexuality.   I invite you to take this journey inward. 
As you click on each category, you’ll find a list of practices to help you access these keys to your souls.  Listen to what arises inside yourself.  Then summon the courage to follow that still, small voice.
Be prepared to discover, unlock and reveal your “original self.”  This is the person you came into this world full of possibility and destined for joyful unveiling.”

Click on the any topic to the right to read writings.