The True Chapters of Life

True Callings

I’ve become a child again
With all its light and dark
I see the world as if I have seen it
for the very first time

I am amazed and in awe at all its possibilities
While also self absorbed as if the world were here for me
Just as a child would be

Yet I have gained some value from age
And I am able to somehow temper what pathology
calls a mid life crisis

From a spiritual perspective, I have found myself
The person I was meant to be, rather born to be
And from this view, I have entered a new land and
can now give myself for a purpose greater then my own
self absorbtion

All I need to do is wait, watch and listen
While being careful not to pathologize, psychologize,
intellectualize or even sensimentalize, what
seems to be a true calling…

dd 2010

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