The True Chapters of Life

A Dark Stranger

He stood at the door all these years knocking.  I refused to let him in.
He was frightening, foreboding and at times even ugly.

It seemed he wanted all the attention and I had no time or tolerance for such a stranger.
I was busy building the life I thought I should be building of success, recognition, and reward.

But now, his knock had become relentless; louder, unending and distinct.  How can I refuse him any longer!  He has entered.

Though an orphan and at times very sad, he’s not who I thought he was.  All he ever wanted was to be heard amidst his tears, to be held during his fears, and to be comforted and accepted during his agony.

I have not only discovered a new friend but he has introduced me to other friends I didn’t know he had; wisdom, creativity, courage, even love.

Loneliness is a scary, dark stranger that many of us would prefer death rather then feel lonely.   Yet I discovered, once allowed in he (or she), shows us a beauty that only he can reveal.

-dd       January 2010

Fully Human

We need others, not to stay alive, but to be fully human: to be affectionate, funny, playful, to be generous.
How genuine is my capacity to love if there is no one for me to love, to laugh with, to treat tenderly, to be trusted by, even be hurt by.

I can love an idea, but i can’t throw my arms around it. Unless there is someone to whom I can give myself, in whose hands I can entrust my dreams, who will forgive me my deformities, my aberrations, to whom i can speak the unspeakable, then I am not human.

This is what it means to be fully human.

-dd           March 2017


This is the wintertime of my soul. Sadness surrounds me with its bitter frost. Never expecting the sun will ever return with her warmth. The snow glistens in its hard, crystallized barrenness- no birth shall arrive in such a moment of loneliness- cold, fearful, desperate emptiness.

– dd          January 2010

Joy Recovered

You want to recover your joy?    Look closely and appreciatively at your inner struggles or challenges.

Behind each struggle, lays a deeper, more natural desire, wish or a hope for happiness. Yet we’re not able to understand it by viewing it with normal eyes.

Don’t rush to a moral solution for your struggle.
Try to understand and sit with its uncomfortable complexity and pain.  And grasp the courage to walk into what feels like darkness inside yourself.

There, in that dark place, you will begin to see glimmers of joy peaking out from behind the pain.

-dd             July 2018

To Forgive May Be Divine

To forgive….feels like an almost impossible task…when we’ve been so hurt.

It seems if we forgive them then they get all the benefits of that forgiveness and we’re left sitting with all the broken pieces they left us with.  And yet, if we don’t forgive them, then we’re left with our own hurt and anger which turns inside ourselves ripping us apart.

And it’s true.  We are left holding all the shit they left us with, sometimes for years….which is what makes forgiveness so fucking hard to do

But then I wonder…if love comes from a divine place as they say, then maybe that’s where forgiveness comes from too?  And since forgiveness is so hard to achieve whereas we just know we love someone, maybe they both come from a divine place?

So I’m thinking that we don’t ever just “do” forgiveness.  Instead, maybe like love, the only thing we can do is want to forgive….and therein lies the beginning of what is possible.

Then maybe at that point, like love, once we really want to forgive that person, that’s when the finger of God moves in and helps us to actually forgive?

-dd       May 2018

Pleasure & Desire

“It may seem that sexual desire moves in the direction of our own pleasure, but in fact the pleasure may not be ours at all. The intensity of pleasure may be in direct proportion to the loss of ego, and there, perhaps, lies the focus of the irony and paradox of sex.”                  Thomas Moore, The Soul of Sex