The True Chapters of Life

Mystery Lover

“The mystery lover comes not just to satisfy our sexual longing, but to complete our lives.  Sexual gratification always points to a greater satisfaction of absolute longing.  In sex we are always under the wedding dome, our physical union always a reflection of and participation in a divine intercourse.  We should take our desires seriously, even the most mundane, because they may signal the presence of the angel partner, the deeply interior lover, who alone is responsible for the creation of a life.”                                                                                                                                                  Thomas Moore, The Soul of Sex

What Do I Love

When I’m not thinking about me, what do I love naturally?

Pure nature…

…the crisp, cold snow

…the beauty of the moon

….the trees in bloom

….and the mountains at noon

When I’m not thinking about me, what do I love naturally?

…..dogs in pure delight

….elephants as a marveled sight

…..birds that fly in flight

…..and precious rabbits a soft delight

When I’m not thinking about me, what do I love naturally?

Justice and peace….

…..for those who have little, just to have some

…..for those who love the same, can also love one

…..for those that hate, can somehow be free

….and for those that hurt, can know true peace

 When I’m not thinking about me, what do I love naturally?

…..The laugh of a child

…..The hug of a daughter

…..The silence of sounds

…..And somehow love all around.

An Open Window

Hurt is what taught me to pay attention to this moment.
Before the hurt, I was lost in a dull ache inside myself.

My senses dulled to what was real
I never felt what I touched, or smelt what I passed or tasted what was in my mouth
I missed life’s sensual temptations right before me

Then hurt came along
And the past was to painful to remember
The future to terrifying to contemplate
And I found a new world right in front of me

It was then I had an orgasm of my soul and wept with delight


A Dark Stranger

He stood at the door all these years knocking.  I refused to let him in.
He was frightening, foreboding and at times even ugly.

It seemed he wanted all the attention and I had no time or tolerance for such a stranger.
I was busy building the life I thought I should be building of success, recognition, and reward.

But now, his knock had become relentless; louder, unending and distinct.  How can I refuse him any longer!  He has entered.

Though an orphan and at times very sad, he’s not who I thought he was.  All he ever wanted was to be heard amidst his tears, to be held during his fears, and to be comforted and accepted during his agony.

I have not only discovered a new friend but he has introduced me to other friends I didn’t know he had; wisdom, creativity, courage, even love.

Loneliness is a scary, dark stranger that many of us would prefer death rather then feel lonely.   Yet I discovered, once allowed in he (or she), shows us a beauty that only he can reveal.

-dd       January 2010