The True Chapters of Life


Friendship, what is it?
It’s speaking the truth with another
And accepting each other’s truth as real for them

Friendship, what is it?
It’s exposing our secrets to that person
And they hold them as sacred as if they’re their own

Friendship, what is it?
It’s exposing your wounds to them which they celebrate as an opportunity for more closeness
And they honor your pain as a chance to know you better

Friendship, what is it?
It’s looking at how you have hurt them
And feeling deeply sad that you did
And doing all you can do to help heal them from your hurt
And holding them as they weep

Friendship, what is it?
It’s being imperfectly and authentically human together
And them loving you and you them, despite those imperfections
And somehow each of you falling in love with the other, still

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