The True Chapters of Life

Stay with the one who sees you

not just from head to toe
but from the inside out too

Stay with the one who sees how hard you work
and loves you
who sees how deeply you love
fear and feel
and loves you

Stay with the one who sees the tangled knots of your heart and sits down with you
to untie them
and loves you

Stay with the one who pays attention to what lights you up
who would bring you the sun
just to watch your eyes revel
at the sight of the dawn

Stay with the one who sees you
as you creep into your shell
and loves you

stay with the one who sees you
blossom out of your shell
and loves you

Stay with the one who sees you grow quiet and
asks “how can I help?”

Stay with the one who sees your gaze
over the horizon and says “take me with you”

Stay with the one who sees you when you crash
burn yell and fight back
as you rebel for space
gives it and loves you

Stay with the one who sees you spin off and smiles
as you reach and grow and fly with your soul
and test your strength in strong waters

stay with the one who sees this
and reaches his roots deep into the earth
deep enough to ground you both
for he has flown too
knows that now it is your turn
and would never deny you the site
of your own life
as you dance with the wind
wings spread wide

Stay with the one who sees all your smile lines
and says “I love how they match mine”

Stay with the one who sees you
in the shower
in a top bun
with toothpaste on your chin
offers to wash your back
and loves you even more

Stay with the one who sees you
and loves you
and so that

you too

can see you

and love you.


I Am a Man

I stand on the top of a mountain
On the edge of a granite ledge
And scream a deep, dark yowl into
The belly of the dark, moist ground
Releasing my seeds into the earth.

And I am man…I am proud…I am I.

I will not let my granite be smooth. It will remain rugged.
My fire will burn through water and carve out a rock hard soul

Gentle outside, but raging inside, slamming my fist against life’s hardened walls
Breaking through with passion and anger with edges sharp as razors

Grabbing opportunities like leafs in the air
Taking what is mine and claiming that I
Am a Man, hard and hairy
Tall with testosterone and scarred throughout from war

Art by Murakami Tsuji

Absolutely Clear

Don’t surrender your loneliness
so quickly.
Let it cut more deep.

Let it ferment and season you
As few human
Or even divine ingredients can.

Something missing in my heart tonight has made my eyes so soft, my voice so tender

My need for God so much clearer