The True Chapters of Life

The Earth

We are intimate with the Earth each day
We breathe in and she breathes out
We sleep and she dances

Our hearts beat this moment and she pours her pulsing oceans into our veins
We are perfect as we stand on her rocky, sharp edges. She fully accepts our imperfections

Touch her in a way that no one has done before
Stimulate her entire being so she breaths life into you

A Prayer for Your Wild Soul

Give yourself time to make a prayer that will become the prayer of your soul. Listen to the voices of longing in your soul. Listen to your hungers.

Give attention to the unexpected that lives around the rim of your life. Listen to your memory and to the in rush of your future, to the voices of those near you and those you have lost.

Out of all of that attention to your soul, make a prayer that is big enough for your wild soul, yet tender enough for your shy and awkward vulnerability; that has enough healing to gain the ointment of divine forgiveness for your wounds; enough truth and vigour to challenge your blindness and complacency; enough graciousness and vision to mirror your immortal beauty.

Write a prayer that is worthy of the destiny to which you have been called.

John O’Donohue, at Cliff’s of Moher

The Fire of Intimacy

Intimacy is like a fire you tend to each day
The more fuel you add the bigger the fire gets
The fuel is vulnerability and letting go of expectations, to name a few

The risk is the fire gets too big and to hot
We fear getting burned or being consumed
So we put up defenses and throw water on the fire

The other risk is the fire goes out
The flickering red tone begs for its last gasp of air
But nothing helps and the glow fades slowly into the brown ground

At that moment we make a choice
Either tend to the hot fire or relight the doused flames and then
Bask in it’s warmth, slowly feed it and keep it lit so it nurtures both body and soul.