The True Chapters of Life

Our Pain is our Destiny

It’s not the pain that breaks us
It’s the things we do to avoid it
We fear the pain, that it will break us
So, then break, break..let it break you
Let spirit break you open
Let yourself be forged in the crucible of your own agony
Transformed into the most perfect instrument of destiny

If you can embrace the fullness of your pain
Then you can embrace the fullness of your power

3 thoughts on “Our Pain is our Destiny

  1. Hello
    I wanted to reach out to the writer of this poem and ask if I could get it tattooed to my body because this poem means so much to me it’s saved my life a few times and I am not the kind of person that gets someone else’s art on my skin with out asking first and I would give credit on my skin too if you gave a name to use other then a user name

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