The True Chapters of Life

A White Man in a White Land

I’m a man
I’m a white man’s man
I’m a white man’s man, in a white man’s land
And I have a hand, because I’m a white man’s man

I can stand as a man, as a white man’s man
I can stand and no man… can touch my hand
Because I’m a white man’s man in a white man’s land
And the land is my land, just because I’m a white man’s man

I believe I can fly, I believe I can die when I want to die
I can walk, I can talk, I can do what I want when I want to want
Because I can fly and I don’t have to die
Because I’m a white man’s man, in a white man’s land

There’s no worry for me in this land, this white man’s land
Because this land is my land, a white man’s land
I get to drive while I’m white, I get to sleep at night
I get to swing from the tree, that’s been planted by me

Suddenly I see…suddenly I see what has made me, me
I’m white as can be in this land so free
And I paid nothing for freedom that was never free
The black man paid for my freedom, to a deadly degree

So now, take a stand you white man, take a stand in your land
Take a stand for the man whose not safe to take a stand,
For the black man, who can’t talk or walk or sleep or drive
Because he’s not a white man in this white man’s land

I’ll always be a white man in a white man’s land
But I can take a stand for the black man’s hand
I can stand for my brother black man
My fellow brother man, I will take a stand

So you die when you choose to die
And you can fly when you want to fly