The True Chapters of Life

Go Into the Woods Often

Go there, go deep, go, go, go
Breathe in the thick, dense, humid mist wafting around you
Touch the rough, textured bark against your fleshy soft palm
Let them speak to you their wisdom from their roots, their branches, their leaves

Let your bare feet meditate against the crunchy, ribbed leaves, knotty sticks, cotton pine needles and fierce pebbles and rocks
Let the dried dirt cascade through your fingers while the vitamins penetrate your pores
Let the speckled shade rest gently upon your face and melt into the hushed surrounding symphony of life

Just stop….and they will inject calm

Just listen…and they will speak…

Hear them whisper the generations of their wisdom

Go into the woods often and acceptance will be drizzled into your veins

Inspired by and dedicated to my cherished friend, Larry.