The True Chapters of Life

The Black Tax

The Black Tax

The Black Tax.  Is what most blacks call it. 

But they don’t just call it that. They live it. 

They live it, day in and day out. Here in America.

And they definitely pay if they’re pulled over in a police stop.

And then every.  Single.  Solitary.  Day.  They pay it.

The Black Tax.  Every day in America. They pay. 

They pay just to walk, and talk and feel safe.

They pay if they stay too long in a coffee shop.

They pay if they look at a white person the wrong way.

They pay it in the day, they pay it in the night, they pay whenever there’s a white person in sight.

They pay in their health.  They pay in their wealth.  They pay in their lives.  They pay in their deaths.

“I’m exhausting from paying this tax” says every black woman and man, in America.

Every.  Single.  Solitary.  Day. 
They pay the Black Tax.  Just for being black in America.

Inspired by Brian Gumbel’s speaking about the Black Tax