The True Chapters of Life


Any given moment of any given day, morning or night, strangers may visit.
These strangers have different names: desire, hope, lust, urge, yearning, even want.
They pass through as quickly as a flash of light.

When these strangers knock, and one is not alert, we may attempt to turn them away, deny them, even belittle these harmless, potentially beneficial strangers.

This moment of rejecting them can also occur in a blink of an eye, without even knowing we’re doing it.

Yet even though they are denied entry, these strangers leave their fossils behind like ancient visitors. Their fossils have been called emptiness, loneliness, weariness, depression, even heartbreak. It seems, much like an archaeologist, we may be more acquainted with their fossils then the strangers themselves.

When we can welcome even their fossils, mere symbols of death with an openness and acceptance, I suddenly notice those lesser know strangers, whom I turned away earlier, have returned.

It is then when I feel whole, as if I am the creative, imaginative person I was born to be

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