The True Chapters of Life

This Virus

This virus yells….look at yourselves. Look at who you have become. Is that who you want to be?

Feel and smell your breathe through your mask. Taste yourself like others taste you. Feel the fire that you breathe. Does it nurture or burn down this earth?

See what you look like all day long on Zoom. This is how everyone sees you. How do you look to others? What do your eyes say? Do you see love in your eyes or sadness or anger or nothing? How does your mouth move as you talk? Do you see disgust or arrogance in your grin or moments of joy, empathy or warmth? See your whole face. Are you present or are you distracted and just feigning interest?

Those moments, on your face. Those moments, they change people. For good or bad.

Sit with yourself this virus screams. What does it feel like to be alone with you?

See who you are and ask, who are you? How are you living?  How are you loving? Can you fly, crawl or swim? Can you imagine something better then your past?

How many resources are you using from this earth? How are you treating this earth? These animals; sentient beings? These life giving plants? These complicated people? Yourself?

Stop and reflect on who you are and what you do, human! Stop, now, right now.

The virus yells. Now is all you have! For death comes tomorrow.

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