The True Chapters of Life

Tiny Weeny Greenies

This wonderful story was written by my dear friend, Larry Polsky who sadly left this earth on October 1, 2020 due to melanoma.

In the forest lived teeny weeny green people. They lived and played with each other in the grass and flowers.

One morning a teeny weenie greenie named Alfalfa told his parents he was going on a walk

They said “Don’t go too far.  Remember not to go beyond the green. And be back for lunch”

Alfalfa walked and walked and walked. Eventually he came upon an area that looked different.  Everything was no longer green. “I’ll just go a little further”, he said to himself.

He walked on into the non-green area and was amazed at what he saw.  It was bright and energetic, but in a different way than green.

All of sudden he saw another little boy.  The boy was also this non green bright color. “Hi”, he said, “I’m Cherry.  Where are you from?”.  “I’m Alfalfa.  I live where everything is green.”

“Let me show you around”, said Cherry. They walked and ran around. Cherry pointed out different things, all the bright non green color. “This is our stream, that is our school, and here is my house.”

They walked in and Cherry’s parents were there. “This is my new friend Alfalfa”.  “Hi Alalfa.  We are Mr. and Mrs Rose.  Where do you live?”  “I live over there where everything is green”.  “That’s wonderful. We have never met anyone from there,” said the parents.

Would you like some lunch?”  they said. “Oh! My mom said I should be home for lunch.  But maybe it’s ok.”

So they sat down and ate.  Spaghetti in Tomato sauce, and Cranberry juice.  Then, alfalfa said “Where I live everything is green.  Here everything is not green. Why is that?”

“Everything here is red. It always has been,” said Cherry. “That’s right.  Since as far back as we know, its been red with red people,” said Mrs Rose.

“Cool. I like red.  It’s so bright and fun,” said Alfalfa.  “I think I will go home now.”  “Can I go with him?” said Cherry.  “Yes, you can walk him to end of the red,” said Mrs Rose.

As they walked outside there were two children playing.  When they saw Alfalfa one said, “Hey who are you?  Teenie weenie greenies don’t belong here!”

Alfalfa felt upset and didn’t know what to say.  Cherry said, “Chili, this is Alfalfa. He is my friend. “ My dad said that the greens don’t belong. They are troublemakers,” said Chili.

Other kids heard the noise and came over.  Then Chili pushed Alfalfa to the ground.  When Alfalfa fell he cut his hand. 

Cherry said, “Look his blood is red just like mine. We are all the same inside.”

All the red kids gathered around to see.  “You are right!” said Chili. 

And now they were all friends for life.

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