The True Chapters of Life

Broken Ladder

Hunting us down like animals it’s gotten insane
You call us animals but who’s really untamed
Seems to me like you’re the one fanning the flames
You can only put so much water in a cup
But when the cup overflows things will erupt…
You say I’m violent but I refuse to be silent
You may have just awoken the sleeping giant

Zimmerman walks not held accountable
The odds of that happening were insurmountable
How in the hell was he not held accountable

African Methodist Episcopal Church
9 killed in cold blood
Oh’ let’s not forget the Katrina flood

Michael Brown was shot to death
Left on the ground uncovered during his last breath

Dontre Hamilton shot 14 times doesn’t seem logical to a normal mind

Eric Garner illegal choke hold we all knew how that would unfold (Not guilty)

John Crawford -Toy BB Gun it really hurts how that story was spun (Not guilty)

Ezell Ford – Mentally ill took shots to the back are you for real (Not guilty)

Akai Gurley -Killed in the staircase do you still want me to believe it’s not about race

Tamir Rice – Killed for a Toy – Am I supposed to walk around full of joy?

Jerame Reid – Passenger in a car don’t you think this has gone a little too far?

Eric Harris – 70 yr. old officer “mistook” his own gun for a Taser
Just when you think it couldn’t get any crazier

I could go on and list more names but sometimes I feel like it’s just too insane
So the next time you say a Black life doesn’t matter
I guess it doesn’t too you because you’ve never had to climb a broken ladder.

In memory of Ahumaud Arbery

© by Eric Little

A Forever Friendship

Words fall silent from my lips, at this poignant moment of human intensity

As a burning orange orb glides slowly towards its end on the horizon

Touch is all I have for his atrophied, scared, ravaged body resting in front of me

Words seem frail and dumb at that second. My blood runs blue and my heart breaks red

Can my fingers reach his soul?   Will he know the depths of gratitude I possess for his inestimable friendship?

Can the water from my eyes seep into his essence?  Can he can feel my love for him?

A glowing white moon gently rises from the outer edge of eternity

And a divine bright red, pink and purple friendship forever colors our sky.

My dear friend Larry, left this earth on October 1, 2020 at 6:42 a.m.

Tiny Weeny Greenies

This wonderful story was written by my dear friend, Larry Polsky who sadly left this earth on October 1, 2020 due to melanoma.

In the forest lived teeny weeny green people. They lived and played with each other in the grass and flowers.

One morning a teeny weenie greenie named Alfalfa told his parents he was going on a walk

They said “Don’t go too far.  Remember not to go beyond the green. And be back for lunch”

Alfalfa walked and walked and walked. Eventually he came upon an area that looked different.  Everything was no longer green. “I’ll just go a little further”, he said to himself.

He walked on into the non-green area and was amazed at what he saw.  It was bright and energetic, but in a different way than green.

All of sudden he saw another little boy.  The boy was also this non green bright color. “Hi”, he said, “I’m Cherry.  Where are you from?”.  “I’m Alfalfa.  I live where everything is green.”

“Let me show you around”, said Cherry. They walked and ran around. Cherry pointed out different things, all the bright non green color. “This is our stream, that is our school, and here is my house.”

They walked in and Cherry’s parents were there. “This is my new friend Alfalfa”.  “Hi Alalfa.  We are Mr. and Mrs Rose.  Where do you live?”  “I live over there where everything is green”.  “That’s wonderful. We have never met anyone from there,” said the parents.

Would you like some lunch?”  they said. “Oh! My mom said I should be home for lunch.  But maybe it’s ok.”

So they sat down and ate.  Spaghetti in Tomato sauce, and Cranberry juice.  Then, alfalfa said “Where I live everything is green.  Here everything is not green. Why is that?”

“Everything here is red. It always has been,” said Cherry. “That’s right.  Since as far back as we know, its been red with red people,” said Mrs Rose.

“Cool. I like red.  It’s so bright and fun,” said Alfalfa.  “I think I will go home now.”  “Can I go with him?” said Cherry.  “Yes, you can walk him to end of the red,” said Mrs Rose.

As they walked outside there were two children playing.  When they saw Alfalfa one said, “Hey who are you?  Teenie weenie greenies don’t belong here!”

Alfalfa felt upset and didn’t know what to say.  Cherry said, “Chili, this is Alfalfa. He is my friend. “ My dad said that the greens don’t belong. They are troublemakers,” said Chili.

Other kids heard the noise and came over.  Then Chili pushed Alfalfa to the ground.  When Alfalfa fell he cut his hand. 

Cherry said, “Look his blood is red just like mine. We are all the same inside.”

All the red kids gathered around to see.  “You are right!” said Chili. 

And now they were all friends for life.

Tragic Beauty

Life is tragic beauty
Its pain runs through our veins from birth
Its flames tear apart our illusions of hope
We’re left to die in its ashes
Still clinging to our falling tears of what could have been

But, suddenly when we have lost all hope
That very pain soothes our escape from ourselves
As we endure its tragedy, our hopelessness becomes our ally
And we see, then through its flames into our ashes
Only to discover our true. original self inside
… and we are re-birthed into a diamond of shining beauty to all those around us

The 4 Realms of Relationship

1. The personal/local realm: The outer and most common is personality realm. We base our assessment of the other on what they do, look like, how much money they have and what’s their identity and personality.  Unfortunately, this realm is rife with drama, mind decisions and opinions. Though a tempting world to base a relationship upon, it is mainly mental/thought vibration, which is a lower vibration of life force than the other layers.  It’s doesn’t vibrate much life or eros and tends to be most, if not all ego.  You will tend to see more drama here due to the playing out of unexpressed and immature aspects, seeking to heal mommy/daddy wounds with little consciousness present. Unfortunately, most if not all people base their ultimate relationship decision in this realm and as a result, the relationship is short-lived. Often people relate primarily at this level and wonder why deep intimacy doesn’t occur – why their heart & soul longings are not met.

2. Creative/Emotional:  The next layer in where emotions are felt, met and expressed, activating the body and life force. Here there is more feeling and less “doing.”  The self is accessed through the emotional body and time looses its grip and presence brings a deeper awareness to the subtleties occurring withing and between the pair.  Many of us know this experience of falling in love at the beginning where emotions are an expression of the soul and as a result, the heart opens. Again, a common realm where people make relationship decisions.  But this has its limitations as far as making good decisions for insuring a long-term relationship.  A relationship must endure through this with enjoyment and observation but wait to see if there is a soul realm vibration before making long-term decisions.

3. Soul Realm:  This realm of being, is vibrating life, where we become medicine for each other on a deep soul vibration level. Different archetypes are invoked and transmitted, the soul path is alive and there is a healing that occurs between the pair as their bodies meet – physical, emotional and energetically. Anchoring in linear time ceases to exist, altered states of reality occur. Though many desire this level, impatience and the pull and attraction of the first realm, draws them away.  Two people can often see glimpses of this realm at the beginning but one or the other are distracted by the earthly pull of personality, earthly needs and bodily attractions.  Sadly, the relationship is plucked from its determined destiny only to be put on the scrap heap of not trusting that deeper connection.  Therefore, this realm requires maturity, a check of ones ego and a willingness to see the long view.

4. Divine/monadic realm:  The realm is where the synergy of the connection opens up the channel for divinity/God/Goddess to shine through. Feelings of grace arise as deepest expression of self as God and not separate, occurs. The channel becomes wider as the synergizing of all bodies occurs. Surrendering self and connection to God, praying with sex.  This realm comes with time, patience and discipline between a pair.

In order to meet at the soul and divine realms we need to do the work of healing, finding inner union and resolve wounds in self as much as possible to free the relationship from having to carry them.

Louise Claire Tantra

Sorrow Prepares You for Joy

“Sorrow prepares you for joy. It violently sweeps everything out of your house, so that new joy can find space to enter. It shakes the yellow leaves from the bough of your heart, so that fresh, green leaves can grow in their place. It pulls up the rotten roots, so that new roots hidden beneath have room to grow. Whatever sorrow shakes from your heart, far better things will take their place.” – Rumi