The True Chapters of Life

A Perfect Storm

It was a perfect storm.
Each part of life aligned and designed to collide
An eruption of forces drives down through the sea
Triggering a tsunami of upheaval

Reaching for control to lessen the force
of the pain as it comes faster and harder
Pounding against the walls built for safety
We should be OK, I should be OK
But should is not real

Wave after rolling wave, my soul patiently awaits
Taking with it one grain each moment
As I tumble into the sea
Drawn down into its depths, the dark salty sea fills my lungs

Each grain crunches between my teeth
Control slips away, floating slowly to the bottom as the sand
burst around me upon impact
It chokes me, fighting for breath, for life, not knowing where up is

The storm rages above, the darkness surrounds me in echoing silence
Somehow breathing, I rest finally
At the bottom I sleep, gently in the womb of mother earth
Her milk feeds my soul and I let go of all I gained
I let go of many I loved and
I sleep
In the darkness of wisdom and in the peace of the unknown
I sleep

A Feather in the Wind

My hand outstretched before me 
A feather rests there in my open palm
Released in flight 
It’s a mere hint of the heart of its creature

My fingers want to caress, savor, and treasure it but my heart will not allow it
It has no roots, no home, no owner; I would not know what to do with it
Other then wiping my brow with its insincere nature

To move, it will only blow away
To close my hand around, will only reveal how little there is
What can i do with what looks so beautiful on its surface but is dead inside

A feather in the wind is beautiful on its own

Learning from Depression

We can be neither evasive of the mystery nor invasive of the pain if we want to get through depression.

When we go through depression we must sit in its misery even when we long to run from its darkness.

The Greeks saw depression as a visitor who brought us a gift if we’re willing to entertain that visitor and not reject him or her.
Rejecting that visitor only makes him or her stay longer.

– dd  2010

Am I Human?

the wind has carved
me from a stone
hollowed me
like a reed

so I sleep 
on cedar boughs
the northern lights

I am powerless
there is only now
no push
no resistance 
this living sutra

beauty is in simple things
beyond my control
far from the world 
but in it

I do not know 
if I am human
or I am the wind singing
or Jonah
inside the blue whale


If you want to find your destiny, you must be willing to get rid of the life you planned or are planning, so as to have the life that is waiting for you. 

This is simple to do as long as you’re willing to listen to your soul and then have the courage to follow it.