The True Chapters of Life

Taking Charge or Letting Go?

The feminine can be controlling, as it pushes for one thing, while at the same time asking for limits.
The masculine may have to wrestle to take charge as the feminine insists control is needed but would rather not have to take charge.
If the feminine is going to give over control, ‘she’ will need to know that the masculine both wants to and is able to take charge. But even more importantly, when the masculine is taking charge, the feminine will need to know that the ‘he’ will ensure ‘she’ is OK, and ‘he’ will catch ‘her’ when ‘she’ lets go and you will still love ‘her’ when ‘she’s’ vulnerable.

A tall order for the masculine but a crucible to builds endurance, strength and love. Exactly what both the masculine and feminine wants and needs.

Ancient Yowl

I, man will not lose that fire
The smell of burning wood smoke on my shirt
The sound of the feral life surrounding my body and soul
Cravings deep, sinewy, scraping against the earth with my chest bare
Lost, wild and ancient I roar my rage into the wind

I will never surrender to some Faustian bargain just to survive
Bleeding out my life, one sterile piece of plastic at a time
I would rather die stripped naked, beaten and thrown in my barrow
Body almost dead but soul fully intact ready to scream the ancient yowl

That the gods will hear my roar so that I shall grow love and joy from my moist, sweet grave

I Am a Man

I stand on the top of a mountain
On the edge of a granite ledge
And scream a deep, dark yowl into
The belly of the dark, moist ground
Releasing my seeds into the earth.

And I am man…I am proud…I am I.

I will not let my granite be smooth. It will remain rugged.
My fire will burn through water and carve out a rock hard soul

Gentle outside, but raging inside, slamming my fist against life’s hardened walls
Breaking through with passion and anger with edges sharp as razors

Grabbing opportunities like leafs in the air
Taking what is mine and claiming that I
Am a Man, hard and hairy
Tall with testosterone and scarred throughout from war

Art by Murakami Tsuji