The True Chapters of Life

Go Into the Woods Often

Go there, go deep, go, go, go
Breathe in the thick, dense, humid mist wafting around you
Touch the rough, textured bark against your fleshy soft palm
Let them speak to you their wisdom from their roots, their branches, their leaves

Let your bare feet meditate against the crunchy, ribbed leaves, knotty sticks, cotton pine needles and fierce pebbles and rocks
Let the dried dirt cascade through your fingers while the vitamins penetrate your pores
Let the speckled shade rest gently upon your face and melt into the hushed surrounding symphony of life

Just stop….and they will inject calm

Just listen…and they will speak…

Hear them whisper the generations of their wisdom

Go into the woods often and acceptance will be drizzled into your veins

Inspired by and dedicated to my cherished friend, Larry.

The Earth

We are intimate with the Earth each day
We breathe in and she breathes out
We sleep and she dances

Our hearts beat this moment and she pours her pulsing oceans into our veins
We are perfect as we stand on her rocky, sharp edges. She fully accepts our imperfections

Touch her in a way that no one has done before
Stimulate her entire being so she breaths life into you

When Does the Wildflower Blossom

One wonders, how the wildflower seed grows
From where it arrives no one can know
Exquisite and delicate, windswept through its flight
Can it grow in the day or does it open at night

Its plantings a mystery, no curation nor control
Trust must be cultivated, from deep within its own soul
Its natural beauty could burst out any day in the sun
But it blooms on its own, such tenderness not easily won

This wildflower can grow among weeds or tall grass
But never can one, such beauty possess
Many moments of wonder, the heart flows with such joy
To have gazed on such beauty, this Helen of Troy 

The wind and the rain, could tear it apart
So don’t hold it too close with your hand on your heart
But make no mistake, the sun does rise and does set
Just live in this moment where there is no regret

Cause what’s so great, about this flower so true, yet so wild
Are its shapes and its colors, drawn forth from the heart of a child
And though this heart so complex, at times fragile and scared
Even so it still will blossom, when it simply declares


Wildflower you inspire me
Your quiet colors chant your innocent vibrancy
Your unique shapes echo your fascinating complexity
Your fragile manner belies your inner strength to grow among weeds

Your natural beauty flows with the wind
Sculpting you into a soulful creation of the earth
So grow where you are planted.
Wildflower you inspire me

The Earth’s Heartbeat

Happiness streams through the air
Crisp air fills my lungs
Joy cools my insides
The planet’s heartbeat heard deep in our bones

I see who I am here on this earth
I own my place, I stand tall
Proud of what the seed has grown
This creature, this man, this trice of grace

Never again shall I doubt I was planted
Like all others, for a purpose
Unique under the same sun
I will blossom in full
And explode outward with love

Inglorious Burdens

I walk my dogs in the woods each morning and I feel free
Deeply I breathe the air and the trees sing with elation as they fulfill their purpose
I think in my arrogance these tree’s need me but haa, that’s not true
I need them

They stand each day where they were the day before
Secure in their destiny, roots sunk deeply into the ground of their souls
They are silent to my ears as they speak but are not heard
They are blind to my eyes, yet they see but are not seen
One small fellow holds his many feeble branches straight towards the sky
Baring against the weight of time, the corpse of his massive fallen friend
Another fallen one frozen in her last gasp for life, leans against her gentle, strong companion, her cancer ridden roots exposed for the rest to see

A young sapling pushes her way through the hardened winter ground reaching for the warmth of the solstice sun
While one has a barbed wire through the center of his trunk having grown up with this all his life

Their scars are many, born from the hand of man and nature
Both alive and dead they give life to many
I can see and touch all of their scars
As they bare the burden of giving me breath

They stand each day where they were the day before
Secure in their destiny, roots sunk deeply into the ground of their souls
They are silent to my ears as they speak but are not heard
They are blind to my eyes, yet they see but are not seen