The True Chapters of Life

Tragic Beauty

Life is tragic beauty
Its pain runs through our veins from birth
Its flames tear apart our illusions of hope
We’re left to die in its ashes
Still clinging to our falling tears of what could have been

But, suddenly when we have lost all hope
That very pain soothes our escape from ourselves
As we endure its tragedy, our hopelessness becomes our ally
And we see, then through its flames into our ashes
Only to discover our true. original self inside
… and we are re-birthed into a diamond of shining beauty to all those around us

Our Wound

If you want to know your own mysteries, why you do what you do, feel what you feel…. look inside and know your own wound

It could be shallow or it could be deep, but we each have one…
so we can’t afford to sleep

Don’t know if our wound is pathological or it’s our human condition, but alas, to know and love this wound is our only life mission

This yin and yang inside our being, can come and go without its reasons,
a friend one day but then the next, it rises up like a ghost of treason

So know its shape, know its aim, where its sojourns and what’s its name.

It’s scar will define the injury you carry..
but its name will describe the fear you find most scary

Names such as “what about me,” or “you’re going to leave” or “I’m not good enough” or “if you know me, you will not love me” or “no one is perfect enough to love me” or “I need the perfect person, so they don’t leave me.”

The name of my wound is “I’m not wanted” and it comes from days afar. Sometimes it is my strengths and other times, it’s as if it’s my most recent scar

On difficult days my wound is one of self blame and deep shame.
And inside my heart and my chest, a literal ache it can claim.

But on good days, when I accept and love how this wound may behave
I’m keenly sensitive, highly intuitive and extraordinary compassionate and wonderfully loving, creative, funny and brave.

Each day, “not wanted” and I, skirmish amidst our pain
It’s a rugged inner path but it slowly reveals my wisdom and gain

So “I’m not wanted” and I, we’re working to make
the deep and possible amends
For one day I hope we’ll be
both tender and loving friends


Despite the loss and pain

The beauty that lays around us and inside of us is stunning

Despite the hurt and evil

the joy that lays before each of us is a gift of the universe

Gently pick it up. Place it in the palm of your hand. And just gaze at it.

Our Pain is our Destiny

It’s not the pain that breaks us
It’s the things we do to avoid it
We fear the pain, that it will break us
So, then break, break..let it break you
Let spirit break you open
Let yourself be forged in the crucible of your own agony
Transformed into the most perfect instrument of destiny

If you can embrace the fullness of your pain
Then you can embrace the fullness of your power

The Echo of the Soul

I saw the shine of a pearl beginning to form

A gathering of pieces from the winds of a storm

A sincere and rare beauty of the heart will deceive

She’ll touch you in places you didn’t know you’d need

So hear the sound of love in your hurt so well known

If you’ll just listen to your soul’s echo against the cold hard stone

The Perfect Driveway

Not tar but special colored blocks, forming a lovely pattern
Very different than any other driveway in the neighborhood- a perfect driveway

Except for those dam tiny, ugly weeds that grow up between those special colored blocks
They were not supposed to grow with the special sand that hardens so no weed can root

But they do and I hate them spreading out in the cracks
They really bother me, spoiling the look of- a perfect driveway

On my knees I try to slowly pull each one out hoping to see its root surface between the crack
But they break off and I lose the root to the crack which really pisses me off

The ones I do get, I put in a pile, and let them rot in the sun beside the driveway
This way they will know how it feels to have no roots and to feel alone next to- my perfect driveway

In The Dark

God lives in our empty days
If we can close our eyes of knowledge and empty our hearts of expectations
we can see nothing less than the face of God
When we’re empty we soon discover we’re full

Darkness is our unconditional friend during our labor pains of grief
And where there is grief, there is death
And when we see death we see what we never knew
That death is the mother of beauty.

dd- December 2009

Absolutely Clear

Don’t surrender your loneliness
so quickly.
Let it cut more deep.

Let it ferment and season you
As few human
Or even divine ingredients can.

Something missing in my heart tonight has made my eyes so soft, my voice so tender

My need for God so much clearer


My beautiful sister
You knew me so well
And still you loved me

Two souls traveling a path together for a short time in our younger days
You seeing me, I seeing you
And we loved each other

A gift to my life
A gift to my soul
With your gentle love seeing me

You loved me perfectly
You rejoiced in my presence for some reason
And I bathed in your precious love

Your quietness, your gentleness and kindness
Told me that i was enough in just who I am

I miss you my precious sister
And rejoice that you are still a part of me