The True Chapters of Life


Any given moment of any given day, morning or night, strangers may visit.
These strangers have different names: desire, hope, lust, urge, yearning, even want.
They pass through as quickly as a flash of light.

When these strangers knock, and one is not alert, we may attempt to turn them away, deny them, even belittle these harmless, potentially beneficial strangers.

This moment of rejecting them can also occur in a blink of an eye, without even knowing we’re doing it.

Yet even though they are denied entry, these strangers leave their fossils behind like ancient visitors. Their fossils have been called emptiness, loneliness, weariness, depression, even heartbreak. It seems, much like an archaeologist, we may be more acquainted with their fossils then the strangers themselves.

When we can welcome even their fossils, mere symbols of death with an openness and acceptance, I suddenly notice those lesser know strangers, whom I turned away earlier, have returned.

It is then when I feel whole, as if I am the creative, imaginative person I was born to be

Our Life Force

I have tried my whole life to deny, thwart, control and manipulate the sexual fire raging inside my soul.  I’m more certain now then ever before, that this force we call sexual desire, is far more then just a genetic impulse or biological reflex.

Yes, it arouses in us physically and we respond with physical action, naturally.
But at its source, inside each of us, lay more then just a physical drive.
Like our own heart, the source of our sexual drive is the heart of our soul.
Like blood, it pumps the very fuel of our power, creativity, imagination and possibly even our connection to our very existence.

Sexual pleasure is a secondary benefit of this life giving force.
Much like the sun, we bask in its rays and it breaths life into us.
To follow this force at its source each moment and enjoy it, explore it and accept it, may be to touch the finger of God.

But we lack the tools to understand and harness the raw material of our eros.
We either misuse it drying up it’s vitality like the morning dew in the sun. Or we fear it and put moral walls around it as if it were evil itself.

Our eros is as much a part of us as the body itself, and possesses immense power; no wonder we fear it.
In sex we discover the power and direction of our deepest desires.
And within our desires and passions lies the DNA of our souls destiny.
When we try to control it or explain it away in purely physical terms
it morphs itself into a mere compulsion lacking depth, intimacy & power.

It cannot and will not be controlled, ignored or understated.
To do so is to turn our gaze from our own divinity.
To disregard our divinity is to deny a mysterious and immense power within ourselves.
A power capable of giving our lives meaning, but more so love.

dd            October 2015


I look right, I look left…All i see is sky.
No answers but just space and time that stretches all the way to eternity.

My soul howls with desire. It longs for immortality.  It craves love.  It yearns for passion.

But the silence.  The silence of the sky.  The silence stretches on forever into an eternal beauty.